embodiment & dance

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earth, water, fire, air

In a world and culture where doing, achieving, thinking and busyness are valued over true connection, feeling, vulnerability and sensitivity we are experiencing greater levels of disconnection than ever, from ourselves, each other and from nature. Women’s bodies and hormonal systems were not designed to live in this way, unfortunately creating detrimental impacts on our physical and mental health, sexuality, sensuality, joy, relationships and stress levels.

Through a diverse set of tools including guided embodied movement, meditation, free and intuitive dance, music, breath, connection, sharing & ritual we explore the four elements of Earth, Water, Fire and Air, and their associated emotions, inner lessons and wisdom.

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come alive

This deep inner work allows us to release stress, explore our emotions and cultivate a depth of love and understanding for all the lost, shamed and undiscovered parts of ourselves and our psyches. In turn allowing us to remember our wholeness and to come ALIVE as our individual, authentic and fully expressed selves.

Please see my upcoming events page for details and dates, online and in person.

 “The Sacred Flow Women's Retreat in Margaret River allowed me to celebrate sisterhood, experiencing deep connection to myself and each other. This experience brought me the most amount of joy I've ever experienced, it was mind blowing. I am so grateful for being a part of this group of ladies, in all of our vulnerability, sharing and holding space for one another, finding our ultimate queens together! Personally, from this experience I've found my power, my bigness, my radiance, and it feels so great to express this part of me. I feel more big and beautiful and less making myself feel small. Huge love to Alex who is the magic creator of this feminine embodiment work, she is changing lives, helping us all find joy within.”

jessica curtin