Alexandra Almond

Yoga, Meditation & Embodiment Facilitator

Ayurvedic Women’s Wellness Coach

Over the last 10 years I have studied, and continue to study, with many world renowned teachers and mentors in yoga, meditation, embodied movement, dance, sensuality and Ayurveda.

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My healing and self-discovery journey began at the young age of 16. I was suffering terribly with back pain and insomnia, my mum took me to my first yoga class. I did not know it at the time but a doorway to a healing journey had opened, one which has, and continues to bring deep love, health and happiness into my life.  

As a child and young woman, I was extremely shy, quiet and unsure of myself. I did not have a strong sense of worth and I found myself searching for validation, acceptance and happiness through unhealthy relationships, drinking and drugs. I did not truly know who I was, what I wanted and what I deserved.

So, I made my way through a degree in Exercise and Health Science at The University of Western Australia, a Diploma of Dance Studies in Melbourne and eventually found myself in the corporate world, working in Injury Insurance in my mid-twenties back in Perth, Western Australia. I was living on the surface without any true, deep happiness or purpose ultimately leading me to an anxiety and depression breakdown in 2012.

I took a one month leave of absence from work and started going back to yoga classes. I still didn’t understand much about the deeper meaning of yoga or spirituality, I just knew that it made me feel better so I decided to take a leap of faith, going back to work part time and undertaking a two-year Yoga teacher training on the side.

This was the turning point of my life; something woke up inside of me. I felt alive again, I was recognising my worth, I had purpose and I had remembered the sacredness of life.


This was the turning point of my life; something woke up inside of me. I felt alive again, I was recognising my worth, I had purpose and I had remembered the sacredness of life. I eventually left the corporate world, met a wonderful man who cherishes me and is now my husband. He helped me open my own yoga studio, Yoga Sita which I dedicated 5 fulfilling years of my life to. 

Over the last 10 years I have studied, and continue to study, with many amazing teachers and mentors in yoga, meditation, embodied movement, dance, sensuality and Ayurveda. These modalities have allowed me to work through my own suffering with anxiety, depression, family trauma and physical ailments, creating a safer place of home and connection with myself.

This inner connection is easily lost in our modern, busy, linear world although it is something that so desperately needs to be remembered for the health and happiness of our individual selves and the world at large.

 “I learnt how to connect more deeply to every part of myself, the bright shiny bits and the darkness. Really learning to love every part of myself. Alex has a wonderful capacity to hold space for women. Her vulnerability gives you permission to do the same.”


Through the tools I have studied and continue to practice I assist women on the journey out of their minds and into their bodies and hearts.

The approach I have developed recognises the emotional, mental and physical needs may differ between the masculine and the feminine. My guidance and offerings support women of various ages and stages of life to re-empower their relationship to self. 

I look forward to supporting you in the remembering of your health, wellness, happiness, worth and power!